成立于1997年的长秦城乐器有限公司,是作为Ibanez、TAMA、Aguilar、Laney、RunningMan(Mackie)、Focusrite、Novation、Vater、Tycoon、On Stage Stands、Celestion、Bautista Iranzo和Juan Hernandez的中国地区独家代理商,以及Shure、Sennheiser、TASCAM、SABIAN、Meinl、DiMarzio和音乐驿站的中国地区官方代理商。
Founded in 1997, Great Wall Audio/Musical Instrument Co., Ltd. is the distributor of international brands such as Ibanez, TAMA, Aguilar, Laney, RunningMan (Mackie), Shure, Sennheiser, Tascam, Saban, Meinl, DiMarzio, Focusrite, Novation, Vater, Tycoon, On Stage Stands, Celestion, Bautista Iranzo, Juan Hernandez, and Music Area in China.
Over the past 26 years, Greatwall Music has operated on the principle of "bringing the best musical instruments to every player in China" At the same time, Greatwall Music has been expanding its sales range and improving its after-sales service to provide the best service.
Greatwall Music is keen to make these great instruments more accessible to the Chinese market. To this end, we work closely with more than 1,000 dealers to build professional image stores. And it has also set up branch companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen to provide sales and repair services.
In addition, Greatwall Music actively engages in industry-related exhibits and events, supports musicians in performances, and creates strong partnerships with professional artists and media.
Greatwall Music is dedicated to providing players with satisfactory services and contributing to the development of the musical instrument industry in China.